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Desemberuppbót greiðist eigi síðar en 15. desember ár hvert, miðað við starfshlutfall og starfstíma, öllu starfsfólki sem verið hefur samfellt í starfi hjá atvinnurekanda í 12 vikur á síðustu 12 mánuðum EÐA eru í starfi fyrstu viku í desember. Orlof greiðist ekki ofan á desemberuppbótina.

Eftir eins árs starf hjá sama atvinnurekanda teljast fjarvistir vegna lögbundins fæðingarorlorlofs til starfstíma við útreikning desemberuppbótar.

Desemberuppbót á að gera upp við starfslok.


Almennur markaður

  • 106.000 kr.


  • 135.500 kr.


  • 106.000 kr.


  • 106.000 kr.

Rio Tinto Alcan

  • 316.845 kr.



December bonus shall be paid no later than on 15 December based on the employee’s job proportion and length of employment, to all employees who have been in continuous employment for the same employer for 12 weeks over the past 12 months OR who are employed during the first week of December. Vacation pay is not added on the top of the December bonus.

After one year of employment with the same employer, absences due to statutory maternity or paternity leave are counted as part of the employment duration when calculating the December bonus.

December bonus is to be settled upon termination of employment.


Private sector (SGS and SA)

  • 106.000 kr.


  • 135.500 kr.

Nursing homes

  • 106.000 kr.


  • 106.000 kr.

Rio Tinto Alcan

  • 316.845 kr.