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Aukinn orlofsréttur og breyting á ávinnslu orlofs

Frá og með 1. maí 2024 breytist ávinnsla orlofs, þ.e. orlof sem kemur til töku á orlofsárinu sem hefst 1. maí 2025

• Eftir 22 ára aldur og 6 mánuði í fyrirtæki er orlof 25 dagar og orlofslaun 10,64%

• Eftir 5 ár í fyrirtæki er orlof 26 dagar og orlofslaun 11,11%


Increased holiday entitlement and changes to holiday accrual

As of May 1, 2024, the accrual of leave will change, i.e. leave that will be taken in the leave year starting on May 1, 2025

• For those who are 22 years or older and are employed in a company for 6 months or more, vacation is 25 days and vacation pay is 10.64%

• For those who are employed for 5 years in the same company, vacation is 26 days and vacation pay is 11.11%